DsVision-: NYC
Film director Francisco Newman 1944-2002 Just like Paul on the road to Damascus, just like St. Augustine, just like St. Francis of Assisi, the young man Francisco surrendered his life to the LORD."
"Posted on the website is a black and white photo dated 1980 that tells what happened next. It shows Francisco in New York City standing with his arms stretched out and roped to a huge cross (but with his feet resting on a platform) under a sign saying: "I am not the Christ, but Jesus is coming again."
It's a startling image of Francisco Newman, Stanford graduate and onetime aide to U.S. Rep. John Conyers. You could easily think the guy had gone completely bonkers. But as I look at that photo I notice that in addition to his Levi's and white shirt Francisco is wearing his familiar half-smile and then I realize what a wonderful piece of street theater he's doing, and what a great prop that giant cross is." From a blogger.
(Please reach out to the artist for custom prints including Limited Editions, COA, Special Sizing and Wet Signature: D Stevens C.213.364.6000 E. [email protected]) 1/15
"Posted on the website is a black and white photo dated 1980 that tells what happened next. It shows Francisco in New York City standing with his arms stretched out and roped to a huge cross (but with his feet resting on a platform) under a sign saying: "I am not the Christ, but Jesus is coming again."
It's a startling image of Francisco Newman, Stanford graduate and onetime aide to U.S. Rep. John Conyers. You could easily think the guy had gone completely bonkers. But as I look at that photo I notice that in addition to his Levi's and white shirt Francisco is wearing his familiar half-smile and then I realize what a wonderful piece of street theater he's doing, and what a great prop that giant cross is." From a blogger.
(Please reach out to the artist for custom prints including Limited Editions, COA, Special Sizing and Wet Signature: D Stevens C.213.364.6000 E. [email protected]) 1/15